Coaching Focus Ltd is committed to upholding the principles and values outlined in the Modern Slavery Act 2015 of the United Kingdom. We recognise that slavery, servitude, forced labour, and human trafficking violate fundamental human rights and are wholly inconsistent with our company's values and ethos.

Policy Statement

We condemn any form of slavery, human trafficking, and forced labour, and we are dedicated to preventing these crimes within our operations and supply chains. We are fully committed to ensuring that our business practices, policies, and procedures reflect our zero-tolerance stance towards slavery and human trafficking.

Supplier Due Diligence

We expect our suppliers, contractors, and business partners to share our commitment to eradicating slavery and human trafficking. We undertake thorough due diligence processes to assess and monitor our supply chains and ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. These processes include:

  • Supplier Assessments: We assess our suppliers' adherence to anti-slavery and human trafficking principles before entering any business relationships. This assessment includes evaluating their policies, practices, and employee welfare measures.

  • Audits and Monitoring: We conduct periodic audits of our supply chains to evaluate compliance and identify potential risks of slavery and human trafficking. If non-compliance is identified, the right actions will be taken to fix the situation.

  • Supplier Contracts: We incorporate robust contractual provisions that explicitly require our suppliers to comply with all relevant laws and regulations concerning slavery and human trafficking.

  • Employee Awareness and Training: We train our employees to raise awareness about slavery and human trafficking, enabling them to identify and report any concerns effectively.

Reporting and Whistleblowing

We encourage all employees, suppliers, contractors, and stakeholders to report any suspected cases of slavery, servitude, forced labour, or human trafficking promptly. We maintain a confidential and anonymous reporting mechanism that ensures the protection of whistleblowers.

Investigations and Remedial Actions

Upon receiving any reports or suspicions related to slavery or human trafficking, we will conduct thorough investigations in accordance with the law. We will take appropriate actions if any violations are found, including terminating relationships with the involved parties and reporting the matter to relevant authorities.

Continuous Improvement

We are committed to continuous improvement in combating slavery and human trafficking. We regularly review and update our policies and procedures to ensure they align with legal requirements, industry best practices, and evolving societal expectations.

This statement demonstrates our commitment to eradicating slavery, human trafficking, and forced labour. We will strive to maintain transparency and accountability in our efforts to combat these heinous crimes while complying with all applicable laws and regulations in the United Kingdom.