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Women in Leadership
Culture change

Jennifer Powell

Executive Coach


Jennifer Powell

Jennifer has been a qualified Executive Coach to business leaders and leadership teams since 2008 and an informal coach to her consultancy clients long before that. Her purpose is to help them shine in their unique leadership context. In her coaching, she draws on over 15 years’ of experience in culture change, communications, and inclusion at senior levels and is skilled at working in an environment of turbulent change. Jennifer lives and works in the UK and has worked for organisations in the US, Latin America, and Asia.

Coaching Style and Expertise

Jennifer firmly believes that if people are resourceful enough to articulate issues, they are resourceful enough to find solutions. Her role is to use questioning, challenge, and feedback to help clients uncover useful insights quickly. She holds unconditional positive regard and acceptance for the abilities of the client to change, believes that a strong coaching process provides the structure for breakthrough thinking, and that the client should set the agenda for the coaching. Her clients tell her that coaching with her is always luxurious, sometimes hard work, and not always fun.


Jennifer was an Equity Partner in the Communications and Culture change practice of a global HR management consultancy. Previously, she had held executive communications positions in corporate organisations – for example, Xerox Europe, in the public sector - as Assistant Chief Executive at London Borough of Islington and briefly, in the not-for-profit sector. She works across sectors and industries from pharmaceutical, finance, and law to the creative sector - advertising and media.

Her qualifications include

- Jennifer Powell Accredited Business Coach (SRA, WABC, AC)

- Qualified in psychometrics (MBTI, Firo B, Belbin, Emergenetics)

- Systemic team coach certified

- Certified commercial mediator


“My previous coaching experience was disappointing. This has been like night and day. So much better this time. Organic, not prescriptive. Intense sessions – sharpened my thinking; challenged my habits and made me think from different perspectives. Each session gave me a moment of enlightenment. Was comfortable enough with Jennifer to share exactly what I was thinking.“